After putting down my drink (a corona with a lime), I followed Stephanie's directions and took a look at my numbers - as most of what I do is segmented by giving history,
engagement level, school or college, recognition society membership or other relevant variables, I have a
difficult task in comparing apples to apples. Obviously my more engaged segments have open and click through rates that are sometimes more than 100 times that of our most
disconnected alumni. The most common variable for me is, ironically a giving component - that of clicks on the giving form link.
Clearly, my more engaged constituents click on the "give now" links at a higher rate than those who have never given but no matter the segment or the constituent background, I find that the number of clicks on links to the giving form is always far higher than the the number of gifts. This mystifies me.
I know you say, people are not sure where the link leads - that is what I thought as well so I tested it with links as direct as "click here to make a gift now" and found the same result. Thus, I have dismissed that explanation.
So if it is not confusion about where I am taking them, it must be that the form is too confusing or complicated. So we took the form and simplified it, shortened it and allowed for either customization or minimalism as the user desired. The result: lots of clicks, lots less gifts.
So I turn this around to those of you reading this post and ask you - any suggestions? Have you either found this to be true and are as confused as I, or have you found a solution?
I welcome suggestions and ideas on how to address this particular item, I know that for me, as I am sure for many of you, that would lead to additional and new donors.