The Best of 2010?
It's that time of year when we reflect on what we've done and resolve to do things a little differently... a little bit better. If I've learned anything from my previous new year's resolutions, it is that working in a team makes it much easier to keep the resolution. Also, as tempting as it may be to make your list a mile long (at least that's tempting for me!), in order to really make a change we should probably focus on one or two professional and personal goals. I can't help much with the latter except to wish you good luck, but I can help with the former. If more effective fundraising is a goal of yours like it is mine, then let's try to work on that together. I think we have a lot that we can learn from one another, and so I'd like to compose a "best of 2010" list.
Let me start by sharing one of our "best" appeals from 2010. We developed an interactive micro-site for Spelman College's Founder's Day challenge. Spelman secured 3,612 donors in the 23 days that the micro-site was live for the challenge. And as you might guess, it was the combination of an integrated solicitation strategy using mail, phone, email, Twitter, and Facebook AND the interactive micro-site to serve as the "campaign headquarters" that facilitated Spelman's success. To read more about this campaign, go to my post from April.
So let me ask you - what was your best appeal from 2010 and why was it the best? Submit a comment to this post, and let's help one another start 2011 with renewed energy and enthusiasm. (Scott... maybe you can go first? :)
Best wishes to all of you for a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!