Micro Campaigns
As I start the process for planning next fiscal year's solicitation calendar, I am working to identify ways to integrate multi-channel efforts as consistent and easily functional portions of our program. What is slowly coming to the fore is that we need to run a series of micro campaigns, covering the year from June to May like the scales of a fish, overlapping slightly all along.
Each micro campaign is comprised of a mailing, an electronic communication and a phone program effort. In many shops personal visits can be used to replace one of the efforts or to add onto it, I currently do not have the flexibility to make that work in mine. Each of these pieces offers the ability to make a gift and they are tied together visually and textually.
Each piece has multiple options, the mailing can be a postcard or a letter, a self mailer or an invitation. It just needs to contain a call to action and a way to reply. The electronic communication can be an email or a text message and it may be accompanied by a social media post,ad, a tweet or other indirect communication. The phone program call is targeted and connected to the audience and is distinguished by a lead message and a closure message - "this is why we are trying to reach you" at the front end and "sorry we missed you but still need your support" at the back end and both ask for an online gift to a landing page or site dedicated to the micro campaign.
Each major and minor appeal contains these elements creating the "scales of the fish" and increasing the opportunities to give via the most preferable method while also increasing the chances that your message gets time with constituents eyeballs, maybe even more than once.