Thursday, February 2, 2012

pin it to win it

I know, I know, I used the play on Winning on my last post as well and that Charlie Sheen line is totally used up already. That may be, but "winning" still registers on Google trends above where it stood prior to Charlie. Of more interest here, Pinterest is now growing rapidly as a search term.

Of course in social media relationships, the vast majority of "importance" is driven by referals - in common terms, who is making it rain. For the month of January, Pinterest did just that, bringing in the visitors at a higher rate than Youtube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined!

So to continue the conversation that I started last time, the question is how do we leverage this growing tool? It does have some limitations and in some ways that is encouraging because they will start to make the adjustments needed to fix those challenges and that is only going to help continue that growth trend.


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